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2D Game Design Review Video

Starchild is a 2D platformer set in a 64-bit universe where players control a humanoid star that has crash-landed on a distant planet and must navigate through traps and encounter aliens to return to their spaceship.


We were given 10 weeks to build a 2D game, and I was responsible for managing the project timeline. I oversaw a team of 15 individuals, including two leads. My tasks included hosting meetings, assigning tasks, and drafting the Game Design Document. Additionally, I managed the Confluence page and task assignments via Jira. I also assisted with filling in gaps, particularly in the UI department.


This project had its smooth moments, with a few hiccups along the way, providing valuable learning opportunities for all team members. Personally, the biggest challenge I faced was communication across our large team. As this was our first major project as a Bachelor’s cohort, we were navigating an unfamiliar workflow. My primary role as the producer was to act as a liaison between departments, ensuring information flowed smoothly between programming and art teams. I was also responsible for taking the feedback from our professor and making executive decisions. Balancing these responsibilities had both positive and negative outcomes, underscoring the importance of hands-on experience in project management for aspiring industry professionals.


In conclusion, the journey of creating Starchild was a rewarding experience that highlighted the importance of effective communication, teamwork, and adaptability in game development. As the producer, I am proud of the strides our team made and the valuable lessons we learned along the way. Moving forward, I am excited to apply these experiences to future projects and continue honing my skills as a leader in the gaming industry.

Tools Used

 - Figma

 - Confluence / Jira

 - Aseprite

 - Google Suite - Spreadsheets, Docs, Drive

 - Unity / Perforce

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